Mês: fevereiro 2022


GYM vs BODYWEIGHT: MOST EFFECTIVE Exercises/Alternatives for ARMS

[bmto id=”1″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12m34aHQsUE[/bmto] Gym & weight training vs bodyweight/calisthenics; best arm exercises & alternatives (biceps & triceps). Many ask how to train as effectively as possible only using bodyweight. There are many variations & isolations you can do (at different levels), also powerful compound exercises. These can be modified to make them more easy or advanced, […]

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COMPLETE FULL BODY WORKOUT AT HOME (Anywhere only using the Floor)

[bmto id=”1″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y81lCnsVXU[/bmto] Full body workout you can do at home (follow along) or anywhere with just a small space and no gym equipment (sets & reps included). Many ask; how to do the best possible training when being limited (without equipment, no furniture, not having a big space, even only using the floor etc.). Here […]

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PULL Workout: Hybrid Calisthenics & Gym [Back & Biceps]

[bmto id=”1″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJhlQDDKog0[/bmto] Hybrid gym & calisthenics pull workout (a full pull routine combining weights & calisthenics). A variety of exercises and ranges/intensity for building strength and hypertrophy (muscle mass/size). Back, biceps (& rear delts) trained on this pull day. Reps, sets & rest details included in video. This is an example workout and not individual […]

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Vai aí uma dica valiosa: chá de carqueja

[bmto id=”1″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQUQzQ8GC3g[/bmto] A carqueja é uma erva que nasce em terrenos baldios e pastos. Também conhecida como Três-espigas, bacanta, cacaia, cacália amarga, confamina, iguape, tiririca-de-balaio e vassoura. A carqueja possui várias propriedades medicinais: 1. Controla a glicemia, existem estudos científicos que mostram que a carqueja é importante no tratamento do diabetes devido aos flavonóides, apigenina, […]

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Receita simples, saudável e saborosa: strogonoff de shitake

[bmto id=”1″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBBLiqKOJa8[/bmto] Receita: Strogonoff Saudável Ingredientes: ● 100 gramas de shitake seco ● 500 gramas de tomates saladete bem maduros, cortados em cubos ● 1 cebola ● 4 dentes de alho raladinhos ● 1 xícara (chá) de palmito fresco ou em conserva ● 1/2 xícara (chá) de azeitonas sem caroço ● 1 xícara (chá) de […]

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8 sucos detox para emagrecer e secar a barriga

Os sucos detox são feitos à base de frutas e vegetais que possuem propriedades antioxidantes e diuréticas, ajudando a melhorar o funcionamento do intestino e a diminuir a retenção de líquidos, favorecendo o emagrecimento, quando incluídos em uma dieta balanceada. Além disso, os sucos detox contém boas quantidades de fibras, que ajudam a controlar a […]

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Dieta para emagrecimento saudável

Para emagrecer de forma rápida e saudável, é importante que a pessoa tenha hábitos saudáveis, que devem incluir a prática de atividade física de forma regular e que aumentem o metabolismo, e alimentos que também favoreçam o funcionamento do metabolismo, sendo importante que sejam ricos em fibras, pobres em gordura e açúcar e com poucas calorias. […]

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Boys Don’t Cry – Anitta (CHOOSE THE MOVES)

[bmto id=”1″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvKv6qEWP7Y[/bmto]

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Anitta – Boys Don’t Cry | Caleb Marshall | Dance Workout

[bmto id=”1″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcbDn_7DHvU[/bmto] Subscribe: http://bit.ly/tfmsub | Join the Booty Army: www.members.thefitnessmarshall.org SHOP OUR LOOKS! http://activebooty.com Follow Nebuer Styles http://instagram.com/nebuyaystyles Portion: MAIN WORKOUT Watch more workouts! Newest Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAPUEAObdbMYfGHsYC4rBihCNT17VtOj_ Most Popular: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAPUEAObdbMaqzhQ5l_Hdc3f8CGycdBC2 Heavy Sweat Workouts: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAPUEAObdbMZCz53BTJwI8f28Wn2vsXnj Moderate Sweat: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAPUEAObdbMbSRc-qtcbP2Jnc9OauEOkJ Light Sweat: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAPUEAObdbMaeqXOK62zJlMRIJnhwVITt ⭐️Listen to our official Spotify Playlist: https://lnk.to/fitnessmarshallAY/spotify ⭐️INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/TheFitnessMarshall 🔔 Click the notification bell so […]

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She wrecked my car 🚗

[bmto id=”1″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrjhdUSMA-E[/bmto]

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